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[Frage] Allplan doesn't combine identical stirrups

  • Bars
  • Problem
  • Engineering

We have a problem with stirrup bar combining. we have 4 fully identical stirrups with different position number. Combine function just change position numbers but stirrups still have separate numbers.

Stirrups have same layer, same bend roll diameters, steel class, diameter, segment length, hook length and angles and same calculation method.

please help! What factors may have influence to bar identification?

They are not identical... difference of maybe 0,0000001 mm is enough for them not to be united under one position.

Make a full schema of both positions, position them one above the other and then use the function Stretch entities and modify one bar so it has the same lenght.


Stecke im Allplan seit 1995
Hotline für Kunden in Slowenien seit 1997

Thank you for answer, but I've tried this way - result is the same

I've attached my files with bad positions.
May be I can't see something?

Anhänge (3)

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Sorry, i can't say why they won't combine.
I stretched Pos. 2 to exact measurments of Pos. 1.


Stecke im Allplan seit 1995
Hotline für Kunden in Slowenien seit 1997