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[Frage] Attributes Allplan Precast elements


I have Precast elements: P001/1,P002/1,P003/2.
How to create a formula that will search all elements type 1 (/1) and will write (in a Label) the Precast ID P001, P002.
The idea is to find all elements for each type and to export the numbers (precast id). It is like a loop for each type.

Thank you in advance.


Again a very interresred question.

We have 2 ways of defining a label style.
- internal precast label from configuration
- custom label style

The first has limitation of what can be displayed. See the help of possible variable.
The second is the allplan user defined object which can display any attribut or formula from allplan.

So in the second case, we could use the PieceFactor attribut for precast and use it in your label style:

""+@1021@+" / "+PieceFactor
It’s an example of the formula i don’t remember the attribut(not in front of my computer)


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