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[Frage] Attributes in label [Gelöst]

  • Attributes

Hi everyone, do someone knows if it i spossible to write an attribute value in a rebar label?

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Hi Daniele,

since many year (after 2016), you can add custom attribute to reinforcement and display them over a legend, report and make your own calculation.

Since the version 2024, it's possible to display attribute (i don't know if all are available...) inside the labeling tool.

see picture below.
- one for the attribut available under the tool "modify attribut"
- one for the labeling option using the value @498@ which is the description of the bars.

Bye & Good use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Hi Daniele,

since many year (after 2016), you can add custom attribute to reinforcement and display them over a legend, report and make your own calculation.

Since the version 2024, it's possible to display attribute (i don't know if all are available...) inside the labeling tool.

see picture below.
- one for the attribut available under the tool "modify attribut"
- one for the labeling option using the value @498@ which is the description of the bars.

Bye & Good use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Typ: image/jpeg
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I see that, thanks! sometimes our requests come true