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[Frage] Complicate Reinforcement

  • Allplan
  • Reinforcement


I don't know how to make the reinforcement on this element. Can you please help me with some explanation which function I need to use for reinforcing this kind of element?

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Hai, I could say one one my experience so far. If the pier head is in IFC format which i could see in the attachement,
You need take exact sections like there shouldn't be any glitches in your view say within the range of 50-60mm (mostly depends upon the dia. of rebar you use) and convert that view to 2D view from 3D view in view properties. Try using free form reinforcement from the bar shape options and don't place the rebar.. For the placement of bars try using from the options called special placements in bar placement option. Just make sure you check the"Expand to edges" option by switchin then and there while drawing the profile of the rebar in the sectiion.
I hope this will help you.

In other case if this is a 3D model generated through Allplan(not an IFC) then make it easily by using FF components.