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[Frage] Create Legend for details (PEIKKO) [Gelöst]

  • Legend
  • Detail
  • Peikko


How can I make legend wрich works like reinforcement legend, but I need for different detail.
With simple legend structure: detail name, quantity;

For example:

| Name | Quantity |
|PEIKKO WELDA 200x200 | 6 pcs. |
|PEIKKO HPKM 24 | 4 pcs. |
Total: 10 pcs.

It is possible to create something like this? So that Allplan automaticly calculate how many and what details there is.

Thank you!

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This is possible, however not easy.
This is done by working with object attributes and the function "define legend" in bonus tools>templates, reports... tab

This process consists of a few steps:
1. you define the legend cells (use "define cell" for as many variables you have)
2. you use "define legend" to create the legend.
> a simple legend can consist of only a header (static text on top) and a row with the variables, other options are not necessary.
> click "fix" to save the legend.

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
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This is possible, however not easy.
This is done by working with object attributes and the function "define legend" in bonus tools>templates, reports... tab

This process consists of a few steps:
1. you define the legend cells (use "define cell" for as many variables you have)
2. you use "define legend" to create the legend.
> a simple legend can consist of only a header (static text on top) and a row with the variables, other options are not necessary.
> click "fix" to save the legend.

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
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Größe: 39,12 KiB

Thank you!