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Create new sections geometries in bridge and civil engineering modeler

  • Cross sections bridge civil engineering modeler

Hi everyone!

Someone knows how create new predefined cross-sections geometries variant, inside bridge and civil engineering modeler?
By default there are 4 diferents geometries, and it would be interesting increase these geometries types.



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Hi Antoli,

I don't think you can add any new section directly into this interface because in my opinion, this is hardcoded.

But if you draft a 2D symbol and save it on your Library, you can use it as section for your bridge.

You just have to use the second tool "Get cross section from symbol catalog" inside the definition .

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Yes, yes, I know the way to create sections types from symbols objects, but I want to create some automatisms taking advantage of the parameterization of the sections , since they are saved in perfectly editable text files (ninpolyeingvor.dat, ninpolybautkataloge.dat, massivbau1a.dat, etc). The idea is to be able to fill variants by taking data from eg an Excel sheet. But for this, I need to create other types of sections not defined in the Allplan default library.
Thank you for comments!