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[Frage] Creating Sections


Hi everyone!
Can you tell me the difference between create section in reinforcement views and create section in views and sections, Advantages and disadvantages of each type.
thank you very much!

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Hi hoang_Le,

This is a C/P from Allplan help: https://help.allplan.com/Allplan/2019-0/1033/Allplan/index.htm#47773.htm
The Reinforcement Views module contains tools for creating self-updating views and sections for 3D general arrangement drawings and reinforcement drawings created with the 3D model being active.
For views and sections of the entire building and for the representation of rooms and finishing surfaces, you are advised to create the views and sections in the building structure.

Basic rule:
For Architecture use View and Sections.
For Reinforcement use Reinforcement Views.

First big difference is that Reinforcement Views creates "physical" associative connection between Drawings. This connection requires to follow some rules to avoid reference loop. There are also limitations for copying 3D/BIM elements from referenced drawing files to nonreferenced. That's why reinforcement views are not ideal for concept / design phase of projects. You should use them for final phases when modelling is done and approved (is it ?).

Second big difference is that Views and Sections can be created and manipulated inside Building Structure.


Best regards,

Hi hoang_Le,

This is a C/P from Allplan help: https://help.allplan.com/Allplan/2019-0/1033/Allplan/index.htm#47773.htm
The Reinforcement Views module contains tools for creating self-updating views and sections for 3D general arrangement drawings and reinforcement drawings created with the 3D model being active.
For views and sections of the entire building and for the representation of rooms and finishing surfaces, you are advised to create the views and sections in the building structure.

Basic rule:
For Architecture use View and Sections.
For Reinforcement use Reinforcement Views.

First big difference is that Reinforcement Views creates "physical" associative connection between Drawings. This connection requires to follow some rules to avoid reference loop. There are also limitations for copying 3D/BIM elements from referenced drawing files to nonreferenced. That's why reinforcement views are not ideal for concept / design phase of projects. You should use them for final phases when modelling is done and approved (is it ?).

Second big difference is that Views and Sections can be created and manipulated inside Building Structure.


Best regards,

In Allplan 2019 it is possible to use Views and sections when creating reinforcement as well.
But you cannot mix the types of sections in the same drawing - file.

I have tried it, but retuned to the "Basic rule" mentioned above by JohanC.

Best regards

Thanks a lot, but i don't know which one to use.