Hello, do you have any better solutions to get beam cuts not getting an edge or get a smaller normal height.
For now i draw 2D or i use the roof tool, which is kinda weird, but it is still sometimes not ideal. any other ideas?
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Hello, do you have any better solutions to get beam cuts not getting an edge or get a smaller normal height.
For now i draw 2D or i use the roof tool, which is kinda weird, but it is still sometimes not ideal. any other ideas?
Maybe use the option in the height settings to get the perpendicular thickness and not the vertical one (see attached picture).
Or, use the function "Steel, Timber Element" to draw your beams (see online help).
and I would like to know the answer
and I also want to ....The Support is catastrophic
Check image it explains alot, my english isn't perfect. Program wont cut/bend a beam at an angle when using planes. It makes a small notch because it cuts only vertically. If i use the other option it changes the height of the beam at an angle. Still there is no better workaround than using the roofing tool.
Maybe use the option in the height settings to get the perpendicular thickness and not the vertical one (see attached picture).
Or, use the function "Steel, Timber Element" to draw your beams (see online help).
nope, it does not work it raises the thickness for the difference...