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[Frage] Data validation entry in Smartparts UI?


I would like to create data validation event of UI of smartparts. Any idea how to achieve it?
After the changes of the parameters are made, no validation of this event is possible!
( Just VALUES which are static!)

Just when you create a smartpart the following is triggered:
- Master script
- Dialog script

But if you change the parameters through UI, no script is run at all!!
Any idea would be welcome!!!



Yes, you can.
Choose the right parameters for I_PALETTE command.
Look at the online help.

I want to do sth like this in Parameter script, where I want that the code executes each time, the parameter WallWidth is changed:

nBars = INT((100*WallWidth-3.15)/(Bar_Top_Diam_1+3.15))

VALUES "Bar_Top_Num_1" 2
VALUES "Bar_Top_Num_1" 2,3

Is this possible?


What is the link between your first message and this one?

Look at the online help and you will see your mistake: BREAK is need at the end of each case.