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[Frage] 'Date format' in reinforcement schedule report - Allplan Engineering

  • Allplan Engineering
  • Date
  • Reports
  • Reinforcement

Hello everybody!

I modified one of the default reports for reinforcement schedule in order to suit our company needs. Is all good, except that we need the date to be in the "day/month/year" format. Currently (as you can see in the attached picture) the format is "month/day/year". Allplan Help section states that the 'Date' variable is taken from Microsoft Windows and shown in the report in the same format. In my case, it should show it correctly, but it doesn't. What do I have to change in order to see the date in "day/month/year" format ?

Thank you.

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You can try changing your settings in the following options (Windows 7)



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You can try changing your settings in the following options (Windows 7)



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Thank you for your reply. I already checked the date to be in the "d/m/y" format in Windows 7 ( see attached ), but the Allplan output date in the bending schedule report is still "m/d/y"...


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I'm agree with christophe that this should be the normal way to work or to set the value belong to your operating system.

But in the case of your report, it depend how the field is defined.

So if you look at your field "Time & date", the field is like:

= System.String.Format("{0:d} / {1}",[@Date],[@Time])

So in fact, the first part {0:d}, is the definition of the date.

If you use the same syntax like your operating system (d/M/y), you will be able to set the date.

I you case, this should be:

= System.String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy} / {1}",[@Date],[@Time])

You can look at the capture screen exemple.

HINT: Please respect the case Lowercase/uppercase.

Bye & Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Thank you for your advice. Unfortunately if i replace the '@Date' string with yours, I get an '#Error' in the report. How do you have the Date parameter set-up ? Currently, I have it as 'DateTime' datatype and prompt '@401@'- see attached.


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Sorry for my unclear answer.

In a report you have 3 ways to work on value:

-DataField: (1) It's an attribut or a formular defined with data coming from Allplan.

-Parameters: (2) It's an attribut which is coming from Allplan. But which is changeable when we display the report. It's coming dynamique with the display of the report and you see them on the left of the report

-Cells: (3) It's all cells Inside the table, also the cells Inside the Header

The point is Inside a cells, you can use a "Parameters", or a "Datafield", but you can also use a Parameters and make your own calculation and display.

It means that on my previous answer i was talking about the cells 'Hour & Time' in the Header and i think that you didn't look at the cells but you look at the parameters.

I my example, you don't have to change any paramters values, you just have to select the correct cells in the header and set it as i show you.

You will see the content in the property palette where you can edit it.

Bye & Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Thank you for your reply. In my case, the 'Date' variable is a 'Parameter' used in the Report header ( as in your case ), not inside the table. In the end, I made it work, but only changing the 'Datatype' in the 'Report Parameters' window from 'Date Time' to 'String' (see attached picture). Apparently the 'Date Time' variable has only one type of format. Now, the Report date has the Windows format:'dd/mm/yyyy'.


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Thank you for your feedback too.

It's good to know but i'm a bit estonish because i used the standard report for summary with bending shape.

If it's okay can you set the topic to closed?

Thank you & Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006