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[Frage] Enter Area Reinforcement

  • Allplan 2022-0-4

I've been having problems with area reinforcement for the past few versions. As I tried to show in the attached video, after the field reinforcement modification, I noticed that some of my reinforcements were not visible in the plan or section, but were visible in the 3d animation window. sometimes when I change the area reinforcement limits, it can update itself. What could be the reason for this? (My video card and windows are up to date.)
Also is area reinforcement explode possible?
In much earlier versions, when I moved this area reinforcement to another drawing file, the area reinforcement property was broken, we continued with such bar reinforcement placement modification. This made our job much easier. Is there a solution similar to this in this version?

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some of my reinforcements were not visible in the plan or section, but were visible in the 3d animation window

We have encountered this problem multiple times, recently. Although we have not found the solution, we think that copying area reinforcements by Copying the Drawing File inside the building structure may be responsible for this problem.

I am very much interested in the forementioned "breaking of area reinforcement property". Hope someone has advice for that.

Best wishes,

Thanks for your reply.
The issue of area reinforcement is very, very important. I hope someone can help.

I wish you good work.

Maybe you can use an old command for reinforcement view called "Add to view". Simply just "choose" the bars that not shown from the "true coordinate location of the model" then "left-click" to the desired view/section where the bars should be shown. For exploding Area Reinforcement.. it would be great if Allplan can do it.


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