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Und damit wirklich keine Frage unbeantwortet bleibt, unterstützen die Mitarbeiter des Technischen Supports ebenfalls aktiv das Forum.

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  • Foren-Vielfalt aus CAD Architektur, CAD Ingenieurbau uvm.
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Exchange of ideas, informations and research regarding Allplan 2011 workflow

If anyone is interested in exchanging ideas for finding the ideal working mode for big projects :
Building Structure-Associative views-Connected drawings-layers, we already have some ideas and workmethods
but they have some problems, please contact me.

Vlad D. Mos
structural engineer
LBS plan-construct
E: vlad_mos (please no spam) @ (please no spam) lbs-planconstruct.ro
T: +40746256815

dear Mos,

please send an massage directly to info (please no spam) @ (please no spam) allplan-campus.de.

best regards
Undine Ritzmann

I have sent you two emails on info (please no spam) @ (please no spam) allplan-campus.de yesterday. Waiting forward for your response. Thank you

I wish you all the best

Undine Ritzmann