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[Frage] Export to IFC - bar length

  • Reinforcement
  • Ifc export
  • BIM


dear users, do you now if there is any possibility to export reinforcement with IFC format in the way, that in IFC Viewer we can see bar lengths?
I've tried to add attributes manually, but even if I add "Bar length" to the list, I can't see a proper value in any IFC viewer.

Best regards

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you must select Transfer Quantity data in the advanced options off the IFC4.0 export. then the barlength and bar distance will be exported in the IFC

you must select Transfer Quantity data in the advanced options off the IFC4.0 export. then the barlength and bar distance will be exported in the IFC

This information are available stating from Allplan 2019-1-6 (BarLength, BarLengthTotal, BarWeightTotal and BarDistance in PSet AllplanQuantities)

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