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[Frage] Fixture weight formula for a label [Gelöst]

Hello everybody,

I am trying to find a formula for a label, calculating the weight of the fixture.
Something like this formula PARENT(PARENT(FIXTURECOUNT(@Catalog reference@;"CP-Tendons"))) which count the number of the fixtures but for the weight and for the sizes of the fixture.

Thank you.

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Very interresting question. If you use such formula, it means that you use Precast object with fixture included.

I’m afraid that your request is not possible at the moment for different reason.

Allplan fixture are objects with only 3 main types(ponctual,linear,surface/area)
Those components doesn’t have weight or 3D dimensions as attribut. The only value you could get are the stuck quantity, the linear or the area.

In Precast internaly, we do have more information but theses informations can’t be checked or displayed as attribute.

We have a weight calculation add or reduce precast weight.

In the Precast fixture catalog: you can display some information in the listenText.

You can see some information in the element plan and that’s it. We can’t use even legend to output this value.


Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006


Very interresting question. If you use such formula, it means that you use Precast object with fixture included.

I’m afraid that your request is not possible at the moment for different reason.

Allplan fixture are objects with only 3 main types(ponctual,linear,surface/area)
Those components doesn’t have weight or 3D dimensions as attribut. The only value you could get are the stuck quantity, the linear or the area.

In Precast internaly, we do have more information but theses informations can’t be checked or displayed as attribute.

We have a weight calculation add or reduce precast weight.

In the Precast fixture catalog: you can display some information in the listenText.

You can see some information in the element plan and that’s it. We can’t use even legend to output this value.


Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006