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[Frage] How do I link a custom dimension line to an associative view to make them automatically adjustable as the 3D model changes?

  • Allplan 2018
  • Dimension line
  • Dimension view

Hello. My problem is:
I can link dimension lines to an associative views, however when I change the 3D model that linked dimension lines never change acording to the model.

Other way, that I try, and it works as it should, is "dimension view" but that way is to limited with options due to I want apply a personalized dimension lines.

The same problem happens with elevation points in "dimension view", they work as model 3D changes, but again not keep a personalized position after changes in 3D.

Does anyone have answer for this. Thanks in advance!

I don't have 2020 here, but, maybe, it works with this button like 2019

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Hello joerggeier, thank you for your fast answer! In allplan 2018 this tool is not working for me because when I change the 3D model that linked dimension lines never change acording to the model.

I'm not sure if i follow you.

You have a 3D model where you create associative view in a special factor for X & Y.

Than you add a 2D dimension line which is than incorrect because of the factor.

So you use the tool "link dimension to view" and the result change to the factor.

If you make any modification of your model, this dimension line will not be updated and i think it's normal.

Because we use this option to get the same factor of scale in a manual dimension line done in 2D tool.

Use this link doesn't create any smart link to the model but only to the scale factor.

Maybe someone else can confirm this. But this is how i use it since many year.

Bye & Good Use!

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Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Hi Judy! Thank you for your fast answer! My associative views are in 1:1 factor so only the thing the program can do is ajust dimension line acording to the factor used in associative view. :/ That is a shame because I'm in a pre-design phase of a work and a near future the 3D will change and then I have to make overall dimensions again

If not possible it is a serious fault in the program!! I hope they resolve this soon...

Best regards!