I'm trying to change the auto-selected layer for reinforcement in Allplan 2018. Layer number 3864 is selected by default, but I want to change it to another layer. Is it even possible to do?
Thank you for your help.
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I'm trying to change the auto-selected layer for reinforcement in Allplan 2018. Layer number 3864 is selected by default, but I want to change it to another layer. Is it even possible to do?
Thank you for your help.
Bertrand_C, thank you for the solution. The new auto-selected layer is working well now.
How can I change the format of reinforcement on the Reinforcement Layer? Select the reinforcement on a plan on Layers – Reinforcement. Click on Edit – Selection Properties. In the dialog, click on the Presentation tab. Change the key value in the “Callout By Quantity Format.” See key and screenshot below.
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