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[Frage] How to cut 3D lines with a defined 3D surface?

  • 3Dline
  • Surface
  • Cut
  • The
  • Line

Hello everyone,

my question would be how to cut the 3D lines with a random defined 3D surface?
There is a showcase for the wall, where the plane is defined with this 3D surface, and the "upper height" of the wall was assigned to this plane.
But for the simple 3D lines I cannot find a solution yet...

Thank you in advance for the hints.

Anhänge (2)

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Hi xvargag1,

There is a Slice tool, but slicing 3D lines works with planar surfaces only. Your surface is curved.

hint #1 as requested: rough solution
- Convert your curved General 3D surface using Convert Elements/General 3D element to 3D solid, 3D surface.
- Divide every particular 3D line with every particular planar part of converted 3D surface using Slice tool (in plan view!).

hint #2: exact solution
- Create planar 3D surfaces between your 3D lines. You shuld get several vertical 3D surfaces.
- Slice your curved 3D surface using newly created planar surfaces.
- Your 3D lines now intesects with 3D profile curves.
- Adjust your 3D lines using handles.

Hi JohanC,

the hint#1 worked well. Thanks ;)