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[Frage] How to define own description (label) of the architectural component [Gelöst]

  • Description label definition

Dear All,

I have a question regarding a function "description/label" ( I am not sure if this is exact translation of an english version of Allplan - I have it marked in the "pic1"). I have copied one already defined description/label to my office folder using function "managing legends and styles" (pic2) in order to modify and personalize it. How ever I do not know how to enter this label in order to edit it and than save in office folder, can anyone help me with this? I know how to edit and create my own reports and legends.

Thank you in advance.

Anhänge (2)

Typ: image/png
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Größe: 54,21 KiB
Typ: image/png
234-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 19,86 KiB

Lösung anzeigen Lösung verbergen

You can make your own labels using the "Label Style" tool (the icon next to the one you marked)
first place attributes, formulas and lines you want in your label. Then define the label using the foil button.

You can make your own labels using the "Label Style" tool (the icon next to the one you marked)
first place attributes, formulas and lines you want in your label. Then define the label using the foil button.

Thanks a lot... I did not check this option.