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Mark definition

  • 2016

I am wondering if there is any way to redefine the mark number in a reinforcement plan.
I have reinforced a continuous foundation, and now have 26 types of the same mark (diameter).
I want to give the schedule with the total length per diameter.
Or is there any other way to edit mark number in the typical cross sections that will be plotted?

Thank you , and sorry, i'm new here.

With respect,

ing.Dan Suciu
S.C Draft Vision S.R.L.-D.
dan.suciu (please no spam) @ (please no spam) draft-vision.ro

Dear Dansuciu,

Did you find your asnwer? Normaly it's easy to edit any kind of shedule in Allplan, you just have to use a list/legend/report and than you will see what you want.

About your request could you add a screen shot of your plane to see about what kind of project you're looking for a list?

Thank you for your feedback.

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