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[Frage] Perpendicular cross-section [Gelöst]


I have problem to add reinforcement in incline beam. There is any way to make the reinforcement properly?

In attachment a beam which i want to reinforce.

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you need a perpendicular cross section for the incline beam, related to the longitudinal edge of the incline beam. Then it shouldn´t be a problem to place reinforcement. Watch the several videos

best wishes


Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH

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you need a perpendicular cross section for the incline beam, related to the longitudinal edge of the incline beam. Then it shouldn´t be a problem to place reinforcement. Watch the several videos

best wishes


Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH

Anhänge (2)

Typ: application/zip
251-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 3,77 MiB
Typ: video/mp4
253-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 3,09 MiB