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Placing bar [Gelöst]


does anyone know how to place bar in perspective view like in this video from 6min - 7min?
I can draw freeform with "Match edges with shell" but I can't place it in perspective section...

best regards

I think it's not perspective view. Its seems to be perspective because object is not perpendicular.

Zitiert von: sttomas

does anyone know how to place bar in perspective view like in this video from 6min - 7min?
I can draw freeform with "Match edges with shell" but I can't place it in perspective section...

best regards

Dear Tomas,

You will need to ortogonal section/views in order to do the placing.
If the section is created under a certain angle the other should be at 90 degress from the previous. If you attach an .ndw with the formwork i can creat a short movie for you.

Best Regards,

Ciprian P.

eng. Ciprian Popa