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Plus symbol

  • Allplan
  • Architecture
  • 2022

Hello, I would like to ask about a symbol I encountered in a work I received from someone else. I saw this symbol on the drawing file, what does it mean and what does it do? I would be happy if you can help.

Best Regards..

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It means that Generate View or Generate Section tool was used on that file. If you right click on that file and select List reference drawing files a list should pop-up, showing drawing files from which section/view was generated.

See also:


It means that Generate View or Generate Section tool was used on that file. If you right click on that file and select List reference drawing files a list should pop-up, showing drawing files from which section/view was generated.

See also:

Thank you for enlightening me.
What is the benefit of using this?
for example if we refer to a drawing file with bars, will it be reflected in the legend ?

Benefit of this particular icon is to know the file where you derived views or sections from model files.

Benefit of generating sections in engineering?

Basic approach:


okey, ı'm understand. thank you very much