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Positioning of structural elements, counting quantities, making separate reinforcement lists


Dear Allplan experts, please help me to find answers for below guestions:

1) How can I do a positioning of structural elements in Allplan in order to make general assembly formwork drawings?
Does Allplan have this function ?

2) Going furher...how can I assemble several identical elements i.e. columns shown on drawing layout as one
with its element mark and automatically counted number of quantity ?
What is important - any change of it's reinforcement should result in a change for every it's occurrence in the model.

3) Assuming I have a lot of elements in the drawing, how can I make a reinforcement list only for selected elements
- for example for each wall, type of column etc. separately ?
I would like to get a final drawing with several reinforcement lists - assigned to each positioned element.

PS. As a beginner I searched for above functions and I cannot find them

Thanks in advance !

Try to answer question no.3:
It'll be easier if you put each element in the different drawing files. With building structure, you can easily manage your own.
Simply choose the (drawing files) bars you need to put in the list by turn them to current or modifiable.
In my case, I do more details on my building structure, I put the range of Bar marks on the structural level as attached.



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Or you can use "Derived from Building Btructure" at the right side of "Building Structure" to make a single report or batch report. See my attachment. Hope it can help.



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