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Problem when Import reinforcement labels/layers in different Allplan project [Gelöst]

  • Allplan 2022

Hello everyone!

I face a problem when try to import a reinforcement drawing and their layers in a different Allplan Project.

The problem is when I copy/ replace a layer with reinforcement labels on it, in a different Allplan Project, the drawing only came with all reabrs showing and no labels and dimension line appears.

Is there a solution for this?

In the image is clarifies what I mean.

Thank you for your help.

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I made 3D rebars in one layer and for 2D reinforcement detail in another layer.

The solution, found by myself, is draw 3D rebars and in the same layer, make section cuts, make details, put labels...

With that is possible to copy reinforcement 3D/ 2D drawing and their elements like dimension lines, labes for any project you like.

Good work.

I made 3D rebars in one layer and for 2D reinforcement detail in another layer.

The solution, found by myself, is draw 3D rebars and in the same layer, make section cuts, make details, put labels...

With that is possible to copy reinforcement 3D/ 2D drawing and their elements like dimension lines, labes for any project you like.

Good work.