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[Frage] Problem with ASCII

  • ASCII for diameter symbol

Hi All, I have a problem with the font (NLCS) when I use British Standard to show steel reinforcement grade. For instant, it should be shown as 14B16-01-150 T1 but it keeps shown 14[]16-01-150 T1. I have changed the option for Bar Reinforcement Labeling format (Options-Reinforcement-Label-Bar Reinforcement-Diameter Symbol, ASCII number = 066) but still shown a small square instead of B. Anyone can help on this?


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Hi All, I have figured it out. Just go to the option for Bar Reinforcement Labeling format (Options-Reinforcement-Label). Do not checked the 'Diameter Symbol, ASCII Number'or the 'small box' will be shown instead of "B") and make sure the 'Steel grade' is checked.

Thanks All


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I'm having the same problems here. I tried your solution but the diameter symbol doesn't show up. I think your solution only stops the Diameter symbol of showing. So what ASCII number do I need to use when applying NLCS?


The ASCII number for diameter in NLCS is 248 (for round bar!). But, I couldn't found what's the ASCII number for deformed bar symbol (as picture attached).


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