When I create a Reinforcement Report the text next to the graphics is really small and unreadable. This is the case in reports made by allplan and in custom reports I made myself. Anybody know how to change this?
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When I create a Reinforcement Report the text next to the graphics is really small and unreadable. This is the case in reports made by allplan and in custom reports I made myself. Anybody know how to change this?
Dear Wouter_W,
If you use reinforcement object like bars or mesh, you should refer to the correct setting in the configuration.
There is 2 possibility:
1° You can change the setting of the labeling of schema. On the setting menu for reinforcement/Label, there is definition of the label for the schema.
In my example, i doubled all value (5.00 and 4.00) to see a big difference. And it work well.
2° You can also use a factor setting which is on the same menu. Per default, the value is 0.70 but if you change to 1 or more, than you will see the text in bigger size.
Bye & Good Use!
Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support
Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering
Depuis 2006
Try to check the Text Parameter into the option
Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be
Doesn't seem to make a diffrence to me.
Dear Wouter_W,
If you use reinforcement object like bars or mesh, you should refer to the correct setting in the configuration.
There is 2 possibility:
1° You can change the setting of the labeling of schema. On the setting menu for reinforcement/Label, there is definition of the label for the schema.
In my example, i doubled all value (5.00 and 4.00) to see a big difference. And it work well.
2° You can also use a factor setting which is on the same menu. Per default, the value is 0.70 but if you change to 1 or more, than you will see the text in bigger size.
Bye & Good Use!
Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support
Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering
Depuis 2006
The ratio setting did the job, Somehow it changed to 0.1 in my settings.