Hi, Is it possible to create a sort of Macro with a group of rebars?
I need to create a repetitive rebar for different objects like columns.
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Hi, Is it possible to create a sort of Macro with a group of rebars?
I need to create a repetitive rebar for different objects like columns.
Yes, a sort of ;)
Check Allplan (2022) Engineering Tutorial.pdf (/Training/Documentation/)
Page 189 (PythonParts Library)
Page 219 (Create a reinforcement Symbol)
Thanks for the answer but I need to modify multiple element at the same type, like what I do with macros.
There isn't a way to replace multiple symbol at the same time?
You can "replace" PythonParts with Replace Smart Symbol, SmartPart command.
It isn't perfect solution 'cause reinforcement requires additional double mouse click....