Hi There,
Can we change the rebar mark for a group/multiple rebars by selecting them together at once rather than changing it one at time? Please let me know. I have found it cumbersome to change it one by one.
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[Frage] Rebar Mark Change
Dear Forumer,
Thank you for the feedback.
To make sure I understood your situation, you would like to change the mark number of all or more than one placement.
Changing the mark number of all placements can be achieved by using the Modify Mark function. After activation you select the bar which you would like to modify and in the dialog window enter the mark number to be assigned.
If you mean the mark numbers and you want to renumber a group of different mark numbers to a new range of numbers at once you can do that by using the function 'Rearrange marks', which you can find under tab Reinforcement as shown in the picture. If you mean something else just let us know and maybe there is a different way to do it.
Kind regards,