The area reinforcement was modeled correctly and is represented correctly in 3D but its length in the formwork plane appears equal to zero. It also does not appear in the legend or in the report. Basically, the legend or the report doesn't even see it, as if it didn't exist.
For other existing projects in Allplan, everything is ok. But Allplan is no longer working on this single project. How can the situation be resolved?
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[Frage] Reinforcement 3d mesh shows lenght zero an doesn't appear in legend
27.08.2020 - 20:39
17.10.2020 - 04:58
Hello, I am an Allplan users in Vietnam.
Can you show the schema of each bar mark to check? Or try to check Modify mark feature: if the lengh is assigned 0 value or not?
For the legend, Did you try modify it and check Type, Select of formula look like the picture below: