I would like to ask if HDB reinforcement is already instaled in Allplan and where can i find it?
Thank you for your answer.
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I would like to ask if HDB reinforcement is already instaled in Allplan and where can i find it?
Thank you for your answer.
Hi Danijel,
depending on your installation and maybe you license it should be found in separate module which ist called "Produkte, Hersteller" in german.
Since i have no installation including the english tranlastion i can't take a look for you.
But it should be found as one of the last modules.
Hi Danijel,
depending on your installation and maybe you license it should be found in separate module which ist called "Produkte, Hersteller" in german.
Since i have no installation including the english tranlastion i can't take a look for you.
But it should be found as one of the last modules.