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[Frage] Reinforcement for a beam with variable deep [Gelöst]

  • Reinforcement
  • Rebar
  • Stirrup
  • Beam variable section

Dear all: I have a beam with variable section, and I haven't found the possibility of reinforcing it with stirrups of variable deep. Is it possible? How can I do?

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Dear Eugenio,

This is not so complicated.

In reality there is few way to do it:

It's just depend on the placement tool you use.

1°) Individual placement: You can define all stirrup manualy/separetly and place them individualy. This is very long and not smart.

2°) Use "Place in polygon" tool: For this part, you just need to work on the part where is the slope. Create a stirrup cage with the bigger size and click on the 'Place' Tool, than selection the tool "Place in Polygon". The system ask you to draw a like where the stirrup will be extend (an horizontal line is enought on the half height of the stirrup). Than it ask you to define the polygone (click on the contour of the slop part by starting with a horizontal line), than you have to validate 2 times and you will see the setting to define the placement. Set the value and validate. Than you should see the result.

3°) Use "Place in Custom polygon" tool: About this you should draw the bigger and the smaller stirrup and place them on each edge. Than you can try to use the 'place' tool and select option 'Use in Custom Polygon'. It will ask you to select the second stirrup. And it will ask you how many stirrup do your want at the end. By validate, the placement will be done!

I will try to work on a FAQ to explain this topic.

Bye & Good use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Dear Eugenio,

This is not so complicated.

In reality there is few way to do it:

It's just depend on the placement tool you use.

1°) Individual placement: You can define all stirrup manualy/separetly and place them individualy. This is very long and not smart.

2°) Use "Place in polygon" tool: For this part, you just need to work on the part where is the slope. Create a stirrup cage with the bigger size and click on the 'Place' Tool, than selection the tool "Place in Polygon". The system ask you to draw a like where the stirrup will be extend (an horizontal line is enought on the half height of the stirrup). Than it ask you to define the polygone (click on the contour of the slop part by starting with a horizontal line), than you have to validate 2 times and you will see the setting to define the placement. Set the value and validate. Than you should see the result.

3°) Use "Place in Custom polygon" tool: About this you should draw the bigger and the smaller stirrup and place them on each edge. Than you can try to use the 'place' tool and select option 'Use in Custom Polygon'. It will ask you to select the second stirrup. And it will ask you how many stirrup do your want at the end. By validate, the placement will be done!

I will try to work on a FAQ to explain this topic.

Bye & Good use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Thanks a lot! I had found, after some tries, the 2nd way. The problem was that, in the beggining of the cage, I was using the stirrup already placed. I had finally been able to use the «Place in custom poligon» by:

- copy the placed stirrup (in the rest of the beam) to the beggining of the slope

- generate a new position (mark) for this stirrup (I think that was my problem, a position already placed seems not able to be used by this tool)

- copy this stirrup to the end of the slope

- generate a new position (mark) for this stirrup (at the end of the slope)

- strecht this stirrup to the desired high; now there are two stirrups for the slope, the first and the last, each one with two different positions (and non-used positions)

- with the «place in custom polygon», select the first one, the second one, and the number of positions to be placed (including the first and the last one): the positions (the marks) of the first and last rebar will be deleted, and a new position will be generated, for the variable stirrups.

I have found this way to work.

Hi Eugenio,

The other smart thing of this fonction is that you can automaticaly deteremine all bars in few second.

You can also rotate the first and second bars in few direction and the tool will allways calculate the bars in between properly.

One important is that the initail and final bars should has the same quantity of segment and cross.

Bye & Good use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006