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[Frage] Reinforcement not visible in cross sections

  • Reinforcement
  • Section
  • Visibility

I can't get the reinforement bars to show up in any section I create. Tried going into Change>Views, Sections, Details and changing something there but nothing seems to work.
The thing that is out of the ordinary is the warning message that appears when trying to create a section, I've never seen it before and don't really understand it's problem.
Any of you faced a silimar issue before?

Anhänge (3)

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65-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 76,45 KiB
Typ: image/jpeg
50-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 81,77 KiB


it is much easier to see "what ist happen", when you attach the drawing file and the information which version you use!

Please export the affected drawing file by "File > Export > Loaded drawing files with ressources" and upload it here.



Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH