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[Frage] Reinforcement reports date and time, allplan 2023-1-4 [Gelöst]

Dear Everybody!
I have a problem with the date of Allplan. If I open a reinforcement report, the date is anything other than the actual.
I need always correct it.
Why don't use the program the correct actual date (2023.09.25.)?
Could somebody help me?
Program: Allplan 2023-1-4

Thanks, Gergő.
Structural Design Engineer.

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We also solved the problem.
The correct date form in Hungarian program is: 20dd/MM/yy. In this form you get the actual date.
The program has a mistake, mixed the day, and the year.

We also solved the problem.
The correct date form in Hungarian program is: 20dd/MM/yy. In this form you get the actual date.
The program has a mistake, mixed the day, and the year.