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[Frage] Reports - Graphic cell measuring unit [Gelöst]


Im looking for a way to change the unit(from mm to m,cm) for reinforcement bars displayed in graphic cell inside the reports. Anyway i can do this or is something impossible?

Thank you!

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Hi Kostya,

This is not possible because the graphic cells is hardcoded and calculated in allplan.

There is some small option for a graphic cells but that advanced. It’s similar to the legend graphic cells for bars.

The setting are mainly belong to the tool/option with reinforcement schema setting.


Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
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Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Hi Kostya,

This is not possible because the graphic cells is hardcoded and calculated in allplan.

There is some small option for a graphic cells but that advanced. It’s similar to the legend graphic cells for bars.

The setting are mainly belong to the tool/option with reinforcement schema setting.


Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006


Can you make and try the attached setting before calculating the report?

Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
Website: http://www.bimakademi.com
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]gmail.com
Ankara / Turkiye

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