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Section doesn't show object

Hi everyone,

I am using Allplan 2023.1.3 and got a problem with the section.
The object cannot be shown when I make a section with many object. I believe that this is bug of software.
In the picture attached you can see that section can not show the cyan plate.

Does anyone know how to fix this bug?


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from my point of view it seems to be correct. The vertical plates behind the mentioned one are correctly visible with dash lines . Have you tried to add the plate with "remove/add elements" in your actual version of the section?
I made a new section, and the "cyan" plate is visible again.

best wishes


Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH

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from my point of view it seems to be correct. The vertical plates behind the mentioned one are correctly visible with dash lines . Have you tried to add the plate with "remove/add elements" in your actual version of the section?
I made a new section, and the "cyan" plate is visible again.

best wishes


Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH

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Zitiert von: MichaelTheuer
from my point of view it seems to be correct. The vertical plates behind the mentioned one are correctly visible with dash lines . Have you tried to add the plate with "remove/add elements" in your actual version of the section?

I made a new section, and the "cyan" plate is visible again.
best wishes

Thank for reply,
I believe that this cyan is in section, I tried to "remove/add elements" but the section didn't show the plate's color.
I tried to reinstall Allplan but cannot fix this, in other computer I get the same error.


you still use the setting "only fills from colors" in the uvs-section (Screenshot)? Have you tried to copy the model to another drawing file or into another project? Have you change the color-setting for the element?
Please check also, if the hotline-tool "cleanup" could be solve it (Close Allplan and see screenshot)!

best wishes

Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH

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Zitiert von: MichaelTheuer
you still use the setting "only fills from colors" in the uvs-section (Screenshot)? Have you tried to copy the model to another drawing file or into another project? Have you change the color-setting for the element?
Please check also, if the hotline-tool "cleanup" could be solve it (Close Allplan and see screenshot)!
best wishes


I've tried to use your solution but It didn't work.
Your section shows blue plate but doesn't show cyan.

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