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shift key problem

  • Allplan
  • 2022
  • Engineering

When I select a special rebar group with the shift key in Allplan, all rebar groups are selected at the same time. Can you help me understand the reason and solution for this issue?

PS.: I'm using Allplan 2022 and this is the first time it's happened to me.

Thank you and Best regards..

it seems, as if all Elements have same Group ID, so they are selected with "one Click + SHIFT )

see also Onlinehelp about modifiers like SHIFT do:


Allplan Webentwicklung

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Zitiert von: jvelletti
tüm Öğeler aynı Grup Kimliğine sahipmiş gibi görünüyor, bu yüzden "tek Tıklama + SHİFT" ile seçiliyorlar )
ayrıca SHİFT do gibi değiştiriciler hakkında Çevrimiçi yardıma bakın:


Hello jveletti,

Thank you for the links you sent, but my situation is a bit different, it seems like a bug in Allplan. I'm trying to select a single rebar element by holding down the left mouse button+ Shift key, but the program is behaving as if I pressed Alt+A. It's not just selecting rebar elements, but including all sections and 2D elements in this selection

it seems, as if all Elements have same Group ID, so they are selected with "one Click + SHIFT"

Please check if maybe the "DATA" is broken . Please check the Group ID of the different elements .

Allplan Webentwicklung

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