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[Frage] Size of the welding coupler

  • Allplan
  • 2020
  • T-head
  • Coupler


As it can be seen in the picture. I am trying to change the welding coupler dimensions. But program doesn't allow me. Can I change the dimensions?

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Hi Alisan,

why do you want to change the welding coupler dimensions?

Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
Website: http://www.bimakademi.com
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]gmail.com
Ankara / Turkiye

Zitiert von: HaTeM
Hi Alisan,
why do you want to change the welding coupler dimensions?

Hi Hatem,

I will use this welding coupler at one end of a tie because contractor wants that. Also contractor wants the plate that should be 60x60x6 mm size.