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[Frage] Stirrup problem

  • Allplan 2020
  • Reinforcement
  • Stirrup

Hello everyone,

I have a small problem. I am doing samo reinfocement for my school project so I decided to do it with Allplan instead of AutoCAD and I ran into a problem that I don't know how to solve.
So I've places stirrups in all elements except the one pointed with red arrow (first picture), becouse everytime i try to place a stirrup in corresponding associative section I always get a stirrup divided in 2 parts (2nd screenshot), and of course, if I try to place in in other section I have to do it two times for each part of stirrup but the most important thing, my partial schema looks like this (3rd picture) which is not correct.

I really hope someone will recognise what this problem is all about and help me solve it.
Thanks in advance!

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Allplan have the maximum bar length. Because your bar length is longer than the maximum so it separate to 2 bars.
You can check the maximum bar length at Option\Reinforcement\Maximum bar length.

I think your model is drawn on the wrong scale. you have to draw 1:1.

Mit besten Grüßen!

Allplan Ingenieurbau V10 bis V2025

Allplan have the maximum bar length. Because your bar length is longer than the maximum so it separate to 2 bars.
You can check the maximum bar length at Option\Reinforcement\Maximum bar length.

Zitiert von: Sanh_Mai
Allplan have the maximum bar length. Because your bar length is longer than the maximum so it separate to 2 bars.
You can check the maximum bar length at Option\Reinforcement\Maximum bar length.

Oh thank you so much. I wanted to change maximum bar lenght from 1400cm to 1200cm, but I accidentally typed 120cm instead of 1200cm (10 times shorter...) and yes that was problem.
Thank you again!