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[Frage] Text Block in Allplan

  • Text
  • Block
  • Allplan

Hello All,

I wonder if it is possible to create in allplan text label as text block like in AutoCad for example or other cad/drawing softwares. To make it a bit more clear, what I need is to create a label (for example "POZ.1") as a block so when I will have many labels with the same content "(POZ.1)" in order to change the content for all POZ.1 labels to POZ.2 it will be enough to edit one of the labels (POZ.1) and the rest of the same content will change automatically into POZ.2. Does any one know how can I create such a block?


Hilfreichste Antwort anzeigen Hilfreichste Antwort verbergen

Maybe you can use the function "Replace text" in the text modul (modify)...

Maybe you can use the function "Replace text" in the text modul (modify)...