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The program stops

i have a problem.. after i installed all plan and i tried to open it just doesn't work. it simply stops running before it gets open. and.. already try to modify the local folder. if u can please help me. thank you

Hi Mihaela,

Based on your really short description I am guessing that it is probably related to graphical card drivers. If you have older computer (more than 5 years), with older graphical card, than driver is the most probable cause.
Do the following:
- Disable automatic Windows update for other products, or set Windows update to manual.
- Uninstall graphical card driver and restart you computer
- Computer should now start with Windows compatible drivers, screen resolution should be lower than before.
- Start Allplan, and if opens sucessfully, than graphical driver is the cause.
- You should install older version (older date) graphical driver. Please use following link to find appropriate driver for you card: https://www.allplan.com/en/services/support/graphic-cards.html