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[Frage] Title Block

Hello everyone,

I have created a titleblock, but where is the location of the file.
Otherwords where is Allplan saving my titleblock, i want to move this to our network, its now somwhere on my PC?

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Typ: image/jpeg
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it looks in your screen, that you selected "Bureau" as storage place.
so the file ist stored in folder "STD"

you can see in "Allmenue" how "STD" is called the path in your installation :
C:\data\allplan\2017\std or \server\allplan\2017\net\std or something else.

i think the correctname of the element you want to copy is called "label style" and not text block

the files are call zdo*.<lng> => zdo00001.eng or zdo00004.fra
see online Help

if i am wrong with "label Style" , see:
using and importing Content a list of diferent file Types and how to import them to allplan ...

Allplan Webentwicklung

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it looks in your screen, that you selected "Bureau" as storage place.
so the file ist stored in folder "STD"

you can see in "Allmenue" how "STD" is called the path in your installation :
C:\data\allplan\2017\std or \server\allplan\2017\net\std or something else.

i think the correctname of the element you want to copy is called "label style" and not text block

the files are call zdo*.<lng> => zdo00001.eng or zdo00004.fra
see online Help

if i am wrong with "label Style" , see:
using and importing Content a list of diferent file Types and how to import them to allplan ...

Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.