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[Frage] Which section should we use in detailing rebar and make a drawing? [Gelöst]

  • Allplan 2020
  • Sections

Hi everyone,
I have question about the section in Allplan.
As you know, there are 2 kinds of section in Allplan. Section and reinforcement section.
Which section do you use in detailing rebar and make a drawing? and Why?
Thank you.

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Hi Tuananh169,

Since version 2019 you only need to use "Section" because also reinforcement is shown in these sections. IN version 2018 and earlier this was not the case so there was another way to make sections for reinforcement with "Reinforcement sections". But as I said from 2019 and further you don't need the "reinforcement sections" anymore.

The "Sections" are a better way of making sections because they are not directly linked to the model so you can access the file with the sections and start editing the style of the sections without having the model file open. With the "reinforcement sections" this cannot. You need the model activated to edit the section and that can be quite annoying.

Kind Regards,


Hi Tuananh169,

Since version 2019 you only need to use "Section" because also reinforcement is shown in these sections. IN version 2018 and earlier this was not the case so there was another way to make sections for reinforcement with "Reinforcement sections". But as I said from 2019 and further you don't need the "reinforcement sections" anymore.

The "Sections" are a better way of making sections because they are not directly linked to the model so you can access the file with the sections and start editing the style of the sections without having the model file open. With the "reinforcement sections" this cannot. You need the model activated to edit the section and that can be quite annoying.

Kind Regards,


Zitiert von: SOEN
Hi Tuananh169,
Since version 2019 you only need to use "Section" because also reinforcement is shown in these sections. IN version 2018 and earlier this was not the case so there was another way to make sections for reinforcement with "Reinforcement sections". But as I said from 2019 and further you don't need the "reinforcement sections" anymore.
The "Sections" are a better way of making sections because they are not directly linked to the model so you can access the file with the sections and start editing the style of the sections without having the model file open. With the "reinforcement sections" this cannot. You need the model activated to edit the section and that can be quite annoying.
Kind Regards,

Thank you very much. I got it. It's amazing in 2020.