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Allplan 2019 License error

  • Licence
  • Allplan 2019
  • Firewall

Hi All,

Please advice i got license error as attached when try to run Allplan 2019 on my boss workstation.

Anyone experiencing like this before?

Thank you

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Did you already follow the instuctions in that error Message? = please try later?

sometimes the Licence Server is not responding fast enough, when you try to activate a new computer. For stability reasons, in this case the licence requests stops to avoid a broken licence.

So trying it 10-15 minutes later may help.
if not, please contact your local support team. As i cant see a confirmed customer number in your account, i cant advice with a correct contact number.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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I already tried in 1--15 minutes but still got the same error messages.

The strange things is when I tied to aCtivate the license on my laptop it works. Any idea for the solution?

Thank You

Hello ..
i removed the Customer ID from public visible Forum : you should add it to our profile ..

and the reason for the problem on the other Computer:
Looks as fireWall is blocking outgoing access

You can try "Offline" activation :

Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.

and if it soes not help: the Support Contact i found to your Customer Number is scia.nl

Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.