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Allplan compared to Revit

Hello all,

Is there someone who has experience in both Allplan and Revit?

I would like to know your opinion about which software is better for the creation of BIM architecture models.

I tried Allplan for 1month and I found that it has a lot of good features, but I don't have enough of experience.

P.S. For example in Allplan the elevations are connected with the model?
Is it possible to create a 3D detail (Like in Revit making a section box, showing the part that we need)?

Thank you in advance!

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For Section Box type of view use Create Section tool.

- Under Input method choose Advanced
- Choose Free input options
- In plan view workspace make a rectangle + ESC
- Left click Into isometric view workspace to define the view angle
A cestion box view is created.
You can now place a section view anywhere in workspace or activate it in working window....

With regards,

For Section Box type of view use Create Section tool.

- Under Input method choose Advanced
- Choose Free input options
- In plan view workspace make a rectangle + ESC
- Left click Into isometric view workspace to define the view angle
A cestion box view is created.
You can now place a section view anywhere in workspace or activate it in working window....

With regards,