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[Frage] Allplan not displaying fills in sections

  • Allplan
  • 23
  • Allplan2023
  • Fill
  • Hatch

Hello all,

I've recently encountered a problem where after generating a section of my 3d modell it will not display the fillings of cut members. It will however display the hatching if that is what is set for the element. I've attached a screenshot where a section of a wall is set with hatching and the other section is set with fill. Every other setting matches for the two portions.

This is a new issue. I have managed to display the correct fill earlier, but now if I go to those older projects the fills are not displayed there either. I did install AlltoPythonparts recently around when this started.

Any ideas what the issue could be?

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you need to check the felüle telemek box above szám
No idea what language that is sorry

Thank you for your reply,

I tried and ticked that box but it still does not display the fill in the sections.

My allplan is in Hungarian btw, I forgot to mention that.

I think I will have to reinstall my allplan and see if that helps.

Thank you

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