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AllPlan on MacBook Air?



My MacBook Pro (2009) is getting old and I want to replace it with a MacBook Air. Does anyone have experience using AllPlan on a MacBook Air? It has a 1.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor and I'm wondering if this is enough.

Any help will be appreciated.

I have last macbook air, (i5) - bootcamp windows 8.1 - works GREAT

http://latableadessin.fr - http://forum-allplan.com

Thank you very much for your reply.

But I'd really like to use Parallels instead of BootCamp. I've gotten very tired of rebooting between the Mac and Windows OSs each time.

Any experience with this on a MacBook Air anyone?

Thanks in advance

It should work with Allplan 2013, but with version 2014 it won't work well. I think Nemetschek has stopped supporting virtualization with Parallels. I have a MacBook Pro (mid 2010) with 2.66 GHz core I7 and Allplan 2014 is very sluggish.