Hello, everyone. Please help me to solve the problem:
I have a steel column with "С255" as material attribut
but steel have its national standart. For example "GOST..."
This standart contains a list of steel names like
... etc.
is there capability in Allplan to fill only material attribute
and get the name of standart too in the other attribute or in report field.
I try to use material catalog "kukat1" and attribute @195@ but have no result yet.
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10.04.2018 - 11:30
12.04.2018 - 09:05
You need to check the attribute datatype in the report.
Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
Website: http://www.bimakademi.com
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]gmail.com
Ankara / Turkiye