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[Frage] Changing "Alplan atributes" name

  • Attribute


I need help whit "Allplan atributes" name. I have to change it to "1441-LOD", and i dont know how.

The pictures show where is the problem. The IFC file must have this name, because is part of big projct.
All others work in Civil3D.

Thank you.


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Hi Sandi.

If it is just for the name of the attribute or the Property Set in the IFC file, there is a configuration file in Allplan's ETC folder:


(depending on the type of IFC file to be generated)

The syntax of each line is:

XXX the internal number of the attribute
YYY the name of the Property Set in the IFC destination
ZZZ the name of the attribute in the IFC destination
TYPE the type of data (IfcLabel for text, IfcBoolean for true/false, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure for distancesm etc...)

for example:

This only works with the "Export IFC data..." tool, not "Export IFC 2x3 data..."

And I recommend making a copy of the original config files, before manipulating them.


GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain

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