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continuously refreshing, slow reaction in working space


Hi,I've just downloaded the student version 2018 and i do experience some slow reaction while working in it. Slow reaction while accessing the toolbar which is always refreshing as well.
I'm running the program on MSI GS73VR; GeForce® GTX 1060,6GB.; intel® Core™ i7 processor;Ram 32 Gb.
What can i do to solve the problem, becouse i do think is not becouse of my camputer performance, becouse I RUN 3dsmax and Autocad on it without any problems.

Coraberu, i might have found out why.
my diagnose is GTX (consumer end graphic card)

I guess you got the newest geforce "gaming" drivers installed. Guess what: uninstall and let windows install them. Now it works like a charm
Those basic drivers that windows automatically installs from nvidia, work much better with professional software for GTX series. ;)

Worked for me, hope it helps.