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[Frage] Data exchange with older versions of Allplan


I wonder is there any solution for exchanging projects between architects working on different versions of Allplan.
To be more precise is there solution to open project made with Allplan 2017 in Allplan 2012. How to solve the problem ?

Thank you for yours advice

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You have to convert the project before sending it to your partner, and because you need to go from 2017 to 2012, you will make the conversion in 2 steps.
The conversion tool is in Allmenu, in the menu "File".
The best procedure is to copy and paste the project from Allplan folder to any folder in your computer.
Then, convert it to Allplan 2014. To get your project in version 2012, you have to install Allplan 2014 or 2015 and make another conversion to Allplan 2012.

You have to convert the project before sending it to your partner, and because you need to go from 2017 to 2012, you will make the conversion in 2 steps.
The conversion tool is in Allmenu, in the menu "File".
The best procedure is to copy and paste the project from Allplan folder to any folder in your computer.
Then, convert it to Allplan 2014. To get your project in version 2012, you have to install Allplan 2014 or 2015 and make another conversion to Allplan 2012.

Thank you for quick answer.

To simplify the job, you can use a tool I developed for Allplan France: Alltransfer.
You can find it on the French website: https://www.allplan.com/fr/system/telechargements/

You still have to install Allplan 2014 or 2015 (just install it).
Once Alltransfer installed, when starting, select first Allplan 2017. You can change the language in "Options" (French or English and restart Alltransfer).
Then, click on "Export", choose the project(s) (you can select several projects in one action) and choose to convert in version 2014 or 2015 (according to your other Allplan installation). Once exported, redo the same operation by selecting Allplan 2014 or 2015 and chosose the conversion to version 2012.